Payment methods
9. Payment methods and promotional code
9.1 The products payment shall be effectuated through credit card or availing oneself of MasterPass service. In the event that one of this means / solutions of payment can be used in relation to a specific product, this will be clearly specified on the Site, at the latest at the beginning of purchase procedure. At the momento of purchase, customer introduces the details of own credit card into a protected electronic banking system, supplied by Unicredit. Is possible carry out the purchase through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Alipay.
9.2 The commercial invoice will be issued automatically to each purchase. In occasion of first purchase, to the user will be ask to communicate the data of invoice header, included tax code.
At a later time he can modify aforementioned data. For the issue of the invoice will serve as evidence the information if necessary supplied from the user, that he declare and he guarantees that correspond at the true, it will be obliged to hold unscathed and indemnify “The Store” against all claims and demands, included penalty issued from competent authorities, can may at the same derive in the event of missed correspondence at the true of the same.
9.3 In order to do guarantee the security of the payment effectuated on the Site and to prevent eventual fraud, “The Store” reserves the right to ask at the user, through e-mail, to send, through the same means, a copy front/back of its identity card and, in the event that the holder of the order be different from the holder of the card, of the identity card of this last. The document shall be underway of validity. In the e-mail of request will be specified the terms within the document must reach at “The Store”. This terms, won’t be, upper to 5 working days from the request delivery from the user. Waiting the required document, the order will be suspended. The user is compelled to sending the required documents in specified terms.
9.4 In the event that the “The Store” doesn’t get aforementioned documents within specified terms in the request e-mail or rather “The Store” receive expired documents or not valid, the contract will mean resolved to right in accordance and for the effect with the Art. 1456 c.c. and the order subsequently cancelled, without prejudice to refund of “The Store” to any damage which the same can be incurred due to incorrect behavior of the user. The resolution of the contract, which the user will be informed via e-mail, within a maximum of 5 working days since the deadline of the terms for the send of the request documents from “The Store”, will entail the cancellation of the order, with consequent refund of the Total Amount Due, with the modality and time frame in accordance with previous Art. 7.2.
9.5 In case of delivery on behalf of “The Store” of valid documentation within the time line indicated in the e-mail in accordance with previous Art. 9.3, the delivery terms will become effective from the date of the delivery of the same.
9.6 The customers that sign up at the newsletter of “The Store” will receive update about promotions and/or promotional code that can be insert in the cart during purchase procedure. Any code have a date of beginning and end of validity and this time limit can’t for any means be extended. Promotional code can be used together with credit slip and voucher issued in the event of open credit.
9.1 The products payment shall be effectuated through credit card or availing oneself of MasterPass service. In the event that one of this means / solutions of payment can be used in relation to a specific product, this will be clearly specified on the Site, at the latest at the beginning of purchase procedure. At the momento of purchase, customer introduces the details of own credit card into a protected electronic banking system, supplied by Unicredit. Is possible carry out the purchase through Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Alipay.
9.2 The commercial invoice will be issued automatically to each purchase. In occasion of first purchase, to the user will be ask to communicate the data of invoice header, included tax code.
At a later time he can modify aforementioned data. For the issue of the invoice will serve as evidence the information if necessary supplied from the user, that he declare and he guarantees that correspond at the true, it will be obliged to hold unscathed and indemnify “The Store” against all claims and demands, included penalty issued from competent authorities, can may at the same derive in the event of missed correspondence at the true of the same.
9.3 In order to do guarantee the security of the payment effectuated on the Site and to prevent eventual fraud, “The Store” reserves the right to ask at the user, through e-mail, to send, through the same means, a copy front/back of its identity card and, in the event that the holder of the order be different from the holder of the card, of the identity card of this last. The document shall be underway of validity. In the e-mail of request will be specified the terms within the document must reach at “The Store”. This terms, won’t be, upper to 5 working days from the request delivery from the user. Waiting the required document, the order will be suspended. The user is compelled to sending the required documents in specified terms.
9.4 In the event that the “The Store” doesn’t get aforementioned documents within specified terms in the request e-mail or rather “The Store” receive expired documents or not valid, the contract will mean resolved to right in accordance and for the effect with the Art. 1456 c.c. and the order subsequently cancelled, without prejudice to refund of “The Store” to any damage which the same can be incurred due to incorrect behavior of the user. The resolution of the contract, which the user will be informed via e-mail, within a maximum of 5 working days since the deadline of the terms for the send of the request documents from “The Store”, will entail the cancellation of the order, with consequent refund of the Total Amount Due, with the modality and time frame in accordance with previous Art. 7.2.
9.5 In case of delivery on behalf of “The Store” of valid documentation within the time line indicated in the e-mail in accordance with previous Art. 9.3, the delivery terms will become effective from the date of the delivery of the same.
9.6 The customers that sign up at the newsletter of “The Store” will receive update about promotions and/or promotional code that can be insert in the cart during purchase procedure. Any code have a date of beginning and end of validity and this time limit can’t for any means be extended. Promotional code can be used together with credit slip and voucher issued in the event of open credit.